Seaside toilette & Toilette of surah and faille francaise, 1886

Left: Seaside toilette. Right: Toilette of surah and faille francaise. (左図:海岸線風トワレ。右図:シュラーとフランス風ファイユのトワレ) No.31, August 1, 1886. ed. JoAnne Olian, Elegant French Fashions of the Late Nineteenth Century, 103 Costumes from La Mode Illustree, 1886, Dover Publications, Inc.
LEFT: Seaside toilette of solid cream-color pongee and the same pongee patterned with dahlias. The skirt of the Patterned goods, dagged at the hem, falls over a wide dahlia-colored velvet edging. Open polonaise crossing in front over a small plastron of the same velvet, is rather long in back, forming two unequal Paniers on the sides, one ending in a Point, the other rounded, dagged at its edge and trimmed with a narrower edging of dahlia velvet than the skirt the polonaise, like the corsage of plain pongee, with a Plisse fichu and sleeve revers of patterned pongee. Hat of gilded straw,lined with dahlia velvet and trimmed with little dahlias. (ed. JoAnne Olian, Elegant French Fashions of the Late Nineteenth Century, 103 Costumes from La Mode Illustree, 1886, Dover Publications, Inc. p.viii)
RIGHT: Toilette of surah and faille francaise in serpent blue. The skirt is covered with two deep surah fIounces, dagged at the hem and embroidered; the back fails over a faille skirt. A little faille tunic falls from each side under the arms in a long Panel ending in fringe. Pouf and corsage of surah. The corsage opens over a faille plastron, embroidered over its entire surface. (ed. JoAnne Olian, Elegant French Fashions of the Late Nineteenth Century, 103 Costumes from La Mode Illustree, 1886, Dover Publications, Inc. p.viii)
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