Sophia Fian C:imagines me in the 1960s
Sophia Fian C:I met her in Facebook in the last year.
She imagines me in the 1960s.
All of her photos are very stylish and sometimes pop & cute.

Sophia Like Twiggy (c) Sophia Fian
She said there,
Am I really look like a ghost?“
I felt her like Twiggy, and this impression is not mistaken.
Sophia is wearing white thigh-high boots. This fashion item was, too, one of the 1960s features, like Jane Fonda, Jane Birkin, and so on.
She has a white skin and presents other white colors.
White was the color which Andre Courreges used always in his clothes and boots. He knew the importance of white color in fashion, and he actively used brighteners (whiteners) for his works.
Her pictures reminds me of the 1960s.
And you can meet her at facebook, Go there right now!
Cambridge, United Kingdom

Sophia wearing Thigh-high boots with white bunny (c) Sophia Fian
message from Sophia
Hey there!
This is Sophia, born in Hong Kong, went to Melbourne to study then continue my fashion design education in the U.K. Kingston university.
As an Aries, I am very outgoing, I love water diving and mountain hiking and all other activities such as singing, dancing, wakeboard, skiing, biking etc.
I also have my quiet side, I love to draw and designs, I can literally sit at the table for days just to finish my drawings… haha crazy right. also I am a part time model in H.K. for some life experience and enjoy being beautiful, hahaha!
You can meet her at Facebook or Instagram.
And you can also meet Sophia in Qipao (Cheongsam)Sophia in Qipao (Cheongsam) from here.