シャネル ザ・ファッション / エドモンド・シャルル=ルー
シャネル ザ・ファッション:本書は作家シャルル・ルーの書いたガブリエル・シャネルの伝記です。これまで出版されていた類書、たとえばマルセル・ヘードリッヒ「ココ・シャネルの秘密」やポール・モラン「獅子座の女シャネル」を超えてシャネルの真実にギリギリの所まで迫ろうとした意欲作です。著者のルーは作家業の傍らで女性雑誌「エル」や「ヴォーグ」の執筆・編集に携わってきました。
エドモンド・シャルル=ルー「シャネル ザ・ファッション」榊原晃三訳 新潮社 1980 (to amazon.jp)
[amazonjs asin=”B000J82MZE” locale=”JP” title=”シャネル―ザ・ファッション (1980年)”]
English Summary
L’irreguliere ou mon itineraire Chanel:This book is a biography of Gabrielle Chanel written by writer Charles Roux. It is an ambitious work that tried to urgently touch Chanel’s truth to Chanel’s truth beyond the books that had been published so far, such as Marcel Haedrich “The Secret of Coco Chanel” and Paul Morand “The Leopard Woman Chanel”. Author Rou has been involved in the writing and editing of women’s magazines “El” and “Vogue” by art writer.
When reading this book, one era is reproduced, and it felt the feeling of living with Chanel and Roux. I abbreviate Chanel’s remarks and draw the times and areas very closely. As the translator also has a stylistic sentence, I do not get the feeling of being distracted in the book, such as other Chanel’s biographies. It can be read as a history of 20th century through Chanel, so it is suitable for people who are interested in world history. To that extent, it is a bit disappointing that we can not get much information as fashion history. Originally it is useless because the author is not aiming for fashion history.